What Makes a Successful Hearing Aid Fitting?

Wearing a hearing aid can be challenging at the best of times. Unfortunately it is not as simple as putting the device in your ear and your hearing is restored to it’s original sounds.

There is a lot that has to be considered when fitting and programming a hearing aid, including the comfort of having a physical presence in your ear and the way sounds are amplified to give you quality clear sound.
Before a hearing aid can be selected for your hearing loss other factors must be considered. Lifestyle, work and family can all have an impact on the success of a hearing aid fitting. Taking these factors into consideration are part of choosing the right hearing aid for you.
Following are some other important factors that you need to take into account to achieve the best possible result from your hearing aid.

Knowing What You Want

Identifying your hearing needs. Many people are not clear on what are their most significant hearing difficulties or what they would like a hearing aid to do for them. Today’s hearing aids are programmed by computer and have so many different features that the audiometrist needs to know what is important to you so that the hearing aid can be appropriately programmed to meet your individual needs.

Informed Choice

Make an informed choice about your hearing aid. In many cases there may be some conflict between the small hearing aid that you would like to have and the bigger hearing aid that you need to hear well. Looking good is important, but being able to hear well is important too. Some very small hearing aids can be hard to manage and often have to be sent back to the manufacturer to be repaired. Discuss your options carefully with your practitioner.


Motivation is one of the most important factors in a successful hearing aid fitting. People who have decided that they need to hear better and want a hearing aid will do well. If you are only getting a hearing aid because someone else wants you to, you may be better off waiting a while until you feel more comfortable about one. Or, if your hearing is mildly affected and gives you trouble in only one or two situations, a specific listening device for the TV or phone may be a better option for you. Another alternative is a short listening skills course to help you learn better communication skills.

Realistic Goals

Work out some realistic hearing/communication goals with your Audiometrist. Some people do not understand the limits of benefit they may get from a hearing aid. Although hearing aids are very flexible and technology much improved, your residual hearing may not be good enough to permit the full benefits from the hearing aid. Many people with hearing impairment have also forgotten that even with normal hearing there are many situations where it is difficult to hear. For example, a room filled with people.


Getting used to a hearing aid is not easy. You will need to wear your hearing aid regularly to become accustomed to it and allow your ears to adjust to new sounds. Your should also write down any problems you notice so that your practitioner knows hoe to fine-tune your hearing aid to make it better for you.

Come Back

If you are not happy with your hearing aid fitting or are having difficulties, come back to see your practitioner. These days there are many options to modify your hearing aid. You may also need other strategies such as a communication training program to help you improve your listening and communication skills.
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