The Real Cost of Hearing Aids

Unlike our other senses, hearing is a cognitive function. A cognitive function is an ability to process thoughts, primarily those associated with things like memory, the ability to learn new information, speech, and comprehension. When our hearing deteriorates, we aren’t using this function as effectively as we would otherwise, causing other associated issues such as: tension and stress, fatigue, irritability, embarrassment, anger, avoidance of and withdrawal from social situations, depression, loneliness, social isolation and danger to personal safety to name a few. Hearing, listening and comprehending are all reliant on brain function, so your hearing is only as good as the effort you (and your Audiometrist) invest in it, to retrain your brain to make sense of this different information.
Hearing aids are more sophisticated than just an amplification device. Hearing aids are now smart nano-technological devices that process sound prior to it being amplified into the ear canal to be interpreted by us. It is because our hearing is a complex process that when we feel ready to proceed to hearing aid amplification and rehabilitation that the assumption is made that the purchase of a hearing aid will provide and instant fix. Unlike glasses and eyesight, a hearing aid is only part of the fix for our hearing. Knowledge is power and knowing the right questions to ask when purchasing a hearing aid can make a large difference to the overall cost.

Funding for Pensioners and Veteran’s

In Australia we are lucky to have one of the best Commonwealth funded hearing programs around the World, for those who are eligible. The Office of Hearing Services (OHS) provides subsidised services to people on a Pension (aged, disability, carers etc) and returned Veteran’s who hold a Gold or White for Hearing Specific Card, through a Voucher System. The application process is simple and you can contact our office to arrange the appropriate forms which will require your Doctor’s signature prior to your first appointment.
The OHS Voucher system allows you to have a full hearing assessment, followed by an in depth discussion which may range from Communication Tactics, Hearing Protection, Tinnitus Management, right through to your options available for Hearing Aids and or Alternative Listening Devices followed by a full rehabilitation process that will help you to achieve the best possible outcome with your situation.

Private Health Insurance

Private health insurers are not legislated to cover out patient service and they are not obligated to provide rebates for hearing aids. Some do cover a portion of the cost of hearing aids under their premium “extras” cover, but this amount will almost never cover the total cost of the hearing aids.

Privately Purchased Hearing Aids

A referral from you GP is not required for you to investigate hearing aid amplification for yourself or someone you know. The beginning steps are to acknowledge there may be a problem and to contact us to seek further advice.

A Hearing assessment is a painless and in-depth investigation into the degree and type of hearing loss you may suffer, followed by advice on the best options available on the market today that may help you in the areas required.
The initial outlay for hearing aids is the expensive part. This is because the clinic’s fees are rolled into one lifetime package. Not only are you purchasing the hearing aid, but our services (hearing assessment, fitting, review and other necessary consultation fees), cleaning & servicing of the device/s, batteries and other small accessories that may be required for optimal performance of your device/s, for the life of the device itself.
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