If you are not happy with your hearing aid fitting or are having difficulties, come back.
There are many options to modify your hearing aid.
You may also need other strategies such as a communication training program to help you improve your listening and
communication skills.
If you leave your hearing aid on the kitchen bench - “to do tomorrow” - you will find it will gravitate towards the drawer and
eventually out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Before you know it you haven’t done anything about it for 2 years!
If you are not happy with your hearing aid fitting or are having difficulties, come back.
There are many options to modify your hearing aid.
You may also need other strategies such as a communication training program to help you improve your listening and communication skills.
If you leave your hearing aid on the kitchen bench - “to do tomorrow” - you will find it will gravitate towards the drawer and eventually out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Before you know it you haven’t done anything about it for 2 years!
If you are not happy with your hearing aid fitting or are having difficulties, come back.
There are many options to modify your hearing aid.
You may also need other strategies such as a communication training program to help you improve your listening and
communication skills.
If you leave your hearing aid on the kitchen bench - “to do tomorrow” - you will find it will gravitate towards the drawer and
eventually out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Before you know it you haven’t done anything about it for 2 years!