Ear Care Wax Removal

Micro-Suction or Curette Removal of Ear Wax

Wax management, for some, can be a bit of an issue. You can now have your wax removed using Suction, Curette or Micro-forceps at Acoustic Health.

Using a cotton swab to clean ears can cause more harm than good. Ear suction or curette is a more effective, safer and healthier option for debris removal.

Prior to your wax removal appointment - where necessary, and if possible - we recommend using a 5 day course of wax removal softening drops. We highly recommend using Ear Clear Wax Removal Drops. (Available from any Chemist). These drops will soften and begin to dissolve and break up the wax in your ears, making it much easier for them to be suctioned clean.

Please note: We do not recommend Waxol or Cerumol Drops - these cause the wax to become sticky and gluggy and make it much more difficult to remove.

Ear Care Wax Removal

Micro-Suction or Curette Removal of Ear Wax

Ear Care Wax Removal

Micro-Suction or Curette Removal of Ear Wax

Wax management, for some, can be a bit of an issue. You can now have your wax removed using Suction, Curette or Micro-forceps at Acoustic Health.

Using a cotton swab to clean ears can cause more harm than good. Ear suction or curette is a more effective, safer and healthier option for debris removal.

Prior to your wax removal appointment - where necessary, and if possible - we recommend using a 5 day course of wax removal softening drops. We highly recommend using Ear Clear Wax Removal Drops. (Available from any Chemist). These drops will soften and begin to dissolve and break up the wax in your ears, making it much easier for them to be suctioned clean.

Please note: We do not recommend Waxol or Cerumol Drops - these cause the wax to become sticky and gluggy and make it much more difficult to remove.

Wax management, for some, can be a bit of an issue. You can now have your wax removed using Suction, Curette or Micro-forceps at Acoustic Health.

Using a cotton swab to clean ears can cause more harm than good. Ear suction or curette is a more effective, safer and healthier option for debris removal.

Prior to your wax removal appointment - where necessary, and if possible - we recommend using a 5 day course of wax removal softening drops. We highly recommend using Ear Clear Wax Removal Drops. (Available from any Chemist). These drops will soften and begin to dissolve and break up the wax in your ears, making it much easier for them to be suctioned clean.

Please note: We do not recommend Waxol or Cerumol Drops - these cause the wax to become sticky and gluggy and make it much more difficult to remove.

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