Hearing Assessment

A full comprehensive assessment of your hearing

A hearing assessment is a test to determine a degree of hearing loss – or lack of. In most cases where hearing loss is present, hearing aid amplification can help – however occasionally Medical or Specialist intervention may be required and the loss may be rectified or improved.

Before you purchase a hearing aid, we need to determine if you actually need one.

Just because you are having difficulty in some situations or family and friends are saying you have a problem, isn’t enough information to decide if a hearing aid is needed. A full and comprehensive hearing assessment needs to be performed along with analysis of the results to determine if your hearing difficulty can be fixed, medically, surgically, with a hearing aid, by changing the way you communicate, or a combination of the above.

A full hearing test will take approximately 1 hour. A free assessment is purely a screening test and only tells you if a hearing loss may be present – not; the full extent of a hearing loss or which is the best way to overcome the difficulties the loss may present.

For those who are applying for a new job, or work in a noisy industry Manufacturing/Farming/Building etc) Work Safe regulations require hearing assessments for employees every 2 years or sooner (as determined by the employer and or the levels of noise exposure over a period of time). We provide a fast and efficient hearing screening for employees at a minimal cost and results can be emailed directly to the requesting company.

Hearing Assessment

A full comprehensive assessment of your hearing

Hearing Assessment

A full comprehensive assessment of your hearing

A hearing assessment is a test to determine a degree of hearing loss – or lack of. In most cases where hearing loss is present, hearing aid amplification can help – however occasionally Medical or Specialist intervention may be required and the loss may be rectified or improved.

Before you purchase a hearing aid, we need to determine if you actually need one.

Just because you are having difficulty in some situations or family and friends are saying you have a problem, isn’t enough information to decide if a hearing aid is needed. A full and comprehensive hearing assessment needs to be performed along with analysis of the results to determine if your hearing difficulty can be fixed, medically, surgically, with a hearing aid, by changing the way you communicate, or a combination of the above.

A full hearing test will take approximately 1 hour. A free assessment is purely a screening test and only tells you if a hearing loss may be present – not; the full extent of a hearing loss or which is the best way to overcome the difficulties the loss may present.

For those who are applying for a new job, or work in a noisy industry (Manufacturing/Farming/Building etc) Work Safe regulations require

hearing assessments for employees every 2 years or sooner (as determined by the employer and or the levels of noise exposure over a period of time). We provide a fast and efficient hearing screening for employees at a minimal cost and results can be emailed directly to the requesting company.

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